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5 Signs It Might Be Time To Start Thinking About Divorce

DJP Solicitors

The thought of a divorce can be quite scary for a lot of us, but it doesn’t have to be. Relationships go through ups and downs, but some signs are just too strong to ignore. Our blog dives into some of the main signs that a divorce may be the best option, and how a divorce lawyer can guide you through the process. For more information, keep on reading.

So, Should I Get A Divorce?

It’s difficult to answer this question, as each relationship is completely different, but sometimes when you know, you know. It might not always be clear as to why your marriage isn’t working out, but if you feel as though there’s no hope for your relationship, it could be time for a divorce. Keep reading for some of the key signs to look out for.

You No Longer Enjoy Their Company

This can be a hard reality to face up to, but it’s something to take notice of. If you find yourself avoiding your spouse, not enjoying talking to them or not enjoying being in their presence, this is a big indicator that something is missing. Many people are in denial about their feelings towards their partner, but if they aren’t making you happy it’s important to prioritise yourself.

You Don’t Even Argue Anymore

You may be tired of trying to fix areas of your marriage and drained from trying to make things work with your partner. While it may seem healthier that you aren’t arguing, this is a huge sign that something is drastically wrong, and that both of you have lost the energy to care.

You Have Different Goals & Values

If you and your partner have very different visions and goals for the future, but there’s no room for compromise, this is a big sign that your relationship may be holding you back. You shouldn’t have to give up your needs and wants for the sake of your relationship.


Any kind of abuse or domestic violence is absolutely a sign to get a divorce. From emotional abuse and a lack of respect to any kind of physical abuse, this is a definite sign to get out of your relationship immediately.

You’re No Longer In Love

Last but not least, maintaining a marriage is near impossible when there’s no love. While it may be hard to admit, you will most likely be able to tell when the relationship has run its course.

DJP Solicitors: Divorce Lawyers You Can Rely On

Here at DJP Solicitors, we offer a range of family law services to support you through a divorce or separation. We understand how challenging these times can be, which is why our team will help you prepare effectively and walk you through the entire procedure of divorce.

For more information about our services, feel free to contact us today.



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