There’s a lot to say about seeking legal assistance, with professional advice and guidance likely to benefit you in a number of ways. One thing that isn’t often said however, is that the help of a solicitor is affordable. Notoriously expensive, many choose to avoid going down the legal route altogether for this very reason - but what if you could enlist the help of a solicitor in 2024 without breaking the bank? We’re here to take you through the important role inexpensive legal minds will play in 2024 - so read ahead for everything you need to know from DJP Solicitors.
A Crucial Measure
Affordability is more important than ever in 2024, with the cost of living at an all-time high and costs likely to continue rising at an unmanageable rate. If you’ve found yourself entangled with a legal issue too, this could all add up and incur huge outgoing payments, but we’re looking to change that with our affordable solicitor services.
Though we can’t produce a list of options and prices (legal cases don't work in a predictable ‘one size fits all’ fashion), whenever possible, we will apply fixed or capped fees to your case for absolute transparency. This is just one of the ways you can budget for your expenses.
Assorted Disputes
Varied disputes and legal procedures required different measures, and with the fast-moving nature of the legal system, mounting costs are an expected reality for anyone requiring the time and expertise of divorce lawyers, employment law solicitors or civil legal experts.
The legal landscape means that many professionals decide their own prices with little concern for the situation of those they’re working with, though at DJP Solicitors, we care for the personal circumstances of those who consult us. Whether you’re based in Forfar, Montrose or Peterhead, You can make instalments for our fees on a monthly basis, both during and after your case has finished.
Why Choose DJP Solicitors?
Contrary to many other firms through Scotland, DJP try to offer fixed fees whenever possible - and we can offer this for undefended divorces, some separation agreements, employment cases and for some sheriff court actions too. The most popular service we offer is the fixed fee, one-off consultation. For £80 plus VAT – totalling £96 – in which you can see a solicitor for up to an hour to discuss your case in general.
Transparency is one way affordable solicitors can help out during the precarious financial landscape of 2024, as after all, many of us encounter legal troubles unexpectedly, giving little leeway to prepare for such sudden incidents and changes.
At DJP Solicitors, we choose to provide our clients with a specially designated solicitor, who will work with that client towards resolving their selected legal problems. We appreciate both the expectations of modern consumers and the need to deliver a high quality, traditional solicitor-client relationship, which is why we approach each case with an open mind. Looking to enquire? Contact our law firm today.