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Tips For Successful Co-Parenting

DJP Solicitors

For whatever circumstances you find yourself co-parenting in, you want to make the best of it for the sake of your children. It can go smoothly if you work carefully to establish what will happen at the very beginning of the co-parenting period, which is why you need to iron out as many details as possible.

Here are DJP Solicitors' top tips for successful co-parenting.

Begin By Setting Key Boundaries

Boundaries need to be clearly established at the start of a co-parenting period so you both know each other's responsibilities and expectations. You can create a parenting plan to help you with this. Your parenting plan can include:

  • Where will the children live at specific times

  • How much time the children will spend with each parent

  • Arrangements for special events (holidays, birthdays etc.)

  • School holiday arrangements

  • How much notice is needed to change childcare provisions

  • How you will financially support your children

  • How you will communicate with the other parent

  • What to do in the event of a new partner

Keep Communications Clear & Respectful

The key to co-parenting success is to keep communication open and honest. If you’re being as clear about your children’s needs as possible, you will be able to easily make decisions together.

Put Your Children First

Remember that the children are your priority and not your feelings towards the person you are trying to co-parent with. Try not to put your own needs in front of theirs when it comes to making decisions that will affect them, and even let them have a say if it is relevant.

Be Flexible

Unexpected circumstances are likely to occur and you need to be willing to be flexible. Being willing to adjust the co-parenting agreements to accommodate each other will lead to fewer disagreements and overall a happier relationship between the two of you.

Seek Help When Needed

It can be a very hard thing to co-parent, so ensure you seek help if needed. This could be through a professional mediator who can help you make solid decisions that will enable co-parenting to be as smooth as possible.

Child Custody & Family Law Solicitors

While co-parenting can go smoothly, there are plenty of factors that could hinder this. In these cases, it can be beneficial to set up legally binding circumstances that will make things easier for all involved. This could include setting specific days for each person to parent the children or talking through money issues to ensure both parties are contributing equally.

DJP Solicitors are the best family law solicitors in Aberdeen, with experienced staff who can ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible to achieve the best outcomes for you and your family. We can assist with issues such as child custody, access, residence and contact, so get in touch today to talk through your case.



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