A protected characteristic is something that it is against the law to discriminate against. These characteristics are outlined in the Equality Act 2010 and if you think any apply to how you are being treated in the workplace, you have the right to try and deal with this.
Read on to explore the nine characteristics that are protected.
You cannot be discriminated against because of your age, whether this is refused a role at a company due to being young, or passed over for promotion as a younger person is given the role even though you are more qualified.
While the modern workplace is a lot better than it used to be when it comes to sex, discrimination can still occur. If you think you are being discriminated against in a workplace for being a man or a woman, you have grounds for a case.
Sexual Orientation
You also can’t be discriminated against for sexual orientation in the workplace as this is a protected characteristic. Examples could include someone making comments about your sexuality, or feeling excluded from events because of this.
One of the biggest forms of discrimination in workplaces is because of race. Racial discrimination can consist of thinking you’re being treated differently because of your race, which can range from racially-motivated comments to thinking you’re being passed over certain pieces of work due to your race.
Religion & Beliefs
Discriminating against religion counts as any religion, including having a lack of religion. Examples could include not making reasonable adjustments for your job, such as not providing time to pray at certain times if needed.
You count as disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a mental or physical impairment that has a long-term negative effect on your ability to do normal tasks. Being discriminated against because of a disability could involve your workplace not making suitable adjustments to assist you.
Gender Reassignment
When a person undergoes a gender reassignment they cannot be discriminated against because of this. Examples of discrimination could include using the wrong pronouns or referring to them by their dead name.
Marriage Or Civil Partnership
You can be discriminated against if you are married or in a civil partnership. This could be losing out on a role over a single employee who is deemed to have fewer commitments.
Pregnancy & Maternity
If you are pregnant or on maternity leave, you can be discriminated against. This could be not making reasonable adjustments because of being pregnant, or employees abusing maternity leave to try and rush you back to work.
Reliable Employment Lawyers For You
Here at DJP Solicitors, we are able to help you with your employment-related issues, including if you think you have been discriminated against at your place of work. We have over fifteen years of experience offering employment law advice, with a wealth of experience to make your case as simple as possible for you.
We offer legal services to our clients in Aberdeen, Forfar, Montrose, Elgin and Peterhead, so get in touch with us if you would like to talk through your case.