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Workplace Discrimination: The Important Questions

DJP Solicitors

Workplace discrimination is a serious matter, and whether you’ve sustained repeated abuse from the same individual and in the same manner, or you’ve felt isolated on occasion due to a particular policy, getting matters clarified quickly is an absolute must. Regardless if you’ve sustained discrimination first-hand or you’re looking to help out someone close, these answers should certainly prove beneficial. Read ahead and let DJP Solicitors - your locally trusted law firm - separate the fact from the fiction, covering everything from repercussions and punishments to compensation, varied circumstances and the genuine perks of assistance.

What Counts As Workplace Discrimination?

Workplace discrimination happens when a person or a group of distinct people are treated unfairly or unequally because of specific characteristics. These protected characteristics may include everything from race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, or even national origin - and due to the sheer number of variables that can constitute workplace discrimination, many either fail to spot it or overlook it altogether. Not simply restricted to employees, explicit or implicit discrimination in the workplace can happen between management, senior stakeholders and even job applicants.

What Are The Repercussions For The Responsible Party?

In most instances, if found guilty of an accusation, the responsible party, as well as the company you were working for, will receive a serious punishment. This is without mentioning the potential consequences for the business and individual's reputation should the matter become public. As should be the case within any working environment, every employer has a legal duty of care when it comes to identifying workplace discrimination, so as an employer - remain vigilant, provide training, and quickly clamp down on any suspected discrimination.

Should I Seek Legal Assistance?

Seeking legal advice may seem like a serious step to take, but all-in-all, it is exactly that - advice. We’re well placed to steer you in the right direction should you feel as if taking your employer to court is the sensible next step. First and foremost you may want to consider talking to your employer on an informal basis if you can, but if it is a sensitive matter or you feel unable to discuss it directly, think about putting in a formal grievance. Exercised all options or found that escalating matters may be wise? Our employment law legal services meet the highest of industry standards - and we deal with all legal matters in an appropriate and professional manner.


Reliable, friendly and able to translate our legal knowhow into layman’s terms, DJP Solicitors offer professional yet affordable employment law legal services to clients in Aberdeen and the North East of Scotland. We are excellent solicitors who have over 10 years of experience as a local law firm - providing professional advice and representation for a range of disputes. Any questions? Contact us today!

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